The first visit is typically 60 to 90 minutes to gain a good understanding of the patient and his/her health. The doctor will ask questions, do physical exam if needed and the patient is given time to express themselves in their own way and as openly as possible—about both their physical, mental and emotional symptoms.

On your first visit, your doctor will review your complete health history as well as your current health conditions. Prescriptions or supplements will be discussed along with any medical records or lab work you bring with you. A homeopathic remedy, nutritional supplements, diet review, or laboratory testing may be recommended at the end of your visit. Typically, patients return in four to six weeks for a follow up visit to evaluate treatment progress.


How often will I need to follow up with my doctor?


A typical follow up is about 4–6 weeks after your visit. Depending on what is being worked on, you may need to follow up once every 1–3 months. The goal of the doctor is to make sure you are on the right plan and are making progress.  


What is covered by insurance?


Our doctors are providers of Harvard Pilgrim, United Healthcare, CIGNA, and Anthem/BCBS.  Insurance coverage depends on your plan and will cover office visits and some lab tests. Some insurance companies (e.g. Anthem/BCBS) will have "Naturopathic Riders" as an option to add to your plan.  Please note, specialty lab testing typically is not covered by insurance companies. We recommend that you call your insurance company before your visit so that you know your coverage.  If you have a HMO plan, you will need a Referral for your visit.  Referrals are required before or at the time of your visit. 


What is not covered by insurance?


Insurance coverage depends on your insurance plan. Insurance typically covers for office visits and some lab tests. It is important to be aware of the details of your insurance plan, including your deductible. Acupuncture may or may not be covered depending on your insurance company and plan. Craniosacral therapy, Hydrotherapy, and Gemstone Therapy are not covered by insurance.

What if I do not have insurance?


Our office accepts cash, check, and major credit cards. In some circumstances, we are able to offer a payment plan.  


what if I am not sure I want to become a patient?


If you are not sure about becoming a patient or not sure if Naturopathic/Integrative Medicine is right for you, feel free to schedule a 15 minute complimentary consult with one of our Naturopathic Doctors.  This can be done via phone or in office and is a great way to have any of your questions answered.  Our doctors will not be able to provide treatment during this consult, but may discuss treatment options that are offered at New England Integrative Medicine.  


WHAT if I need emergency Medical attention?


Our office is not equipped to provide emergency care and we recommend going to a nearby Urgent Care facility or Emergency Room.  Examples of emergency care are: broken/sprained bone, head trauma, anaphylactic allergic reaction, and cuts or injuries needing stitches or removal of substances.  Our office does not have 24 hour service and is closed on the weekends, so we also recommend going to Urgent Care for any possible infections that occur when our office is closed. 

Soon after receiving any care from an Urgent Care facility or Emergency Room, we highly recommend making a follow up appointment with your doctor.  


What is the difference between naturopathy and homeopathy?


Naturopathy is the practice of medicine that includes homeopathy.  Naturopathy also includes nutrition, botanical/herbal medicine, physical medicine, mind/body medicine, hydrotherapy, and oriental medicine including acupuncture.  Naturopathy addresses a person's illness by finding the root cause and treating the illness with therapies that stimulate the body's innate healing response.  

Homeopathy is a separate form of medicine that uses homeopathic remedies that best match a person's "state" of illness.  This is dictated by the Law of Similars: a substance that acts similarly to a disease will cure that disease.  The homeopathic remedy goes to the same place where the disease resides in the person. The remedy is given in a potency or strength that is stronger than the disease. With the aid of this remedy that is similar to but stronger than the disease, the person gains strength over and is freed from the disease, resulting in a recovery from his or her illness.





Homeopathic remedies are dilute, yet very powerful medicines made from natural substances found in the animal, mineral and plant kingdoms.  Homeopathic remedies are FDA regulated and our office only recommend remedies made under proper manufacturing requirements (HPUS standards).  The remedies can be administered in a liquid form or in tiny sugar pellet and are taken sublingually (under the tongue).

Since the remedies are highly diluted, they do not contain significant amounts of the original substance. Therefore, they do not have the toxic effects associated with many conventional medications or other substances. They are, however, powerful energetic stimuli and must be used with discretion. Sometimes, as part of the curative process, a person will experience a temporary intensification of symptoms—usually only for a few hours or a few days.

Most homeopathic remedies are safe to take in conjunction with pharmaceutical medications, herbs, and supplements.  This can be determined by your Naturopathic Doctor. 


What is the difference between naturopathy and functional medicine?


Naturopathy is the practice of medicine that includes functional medicine. Functional medicine is a medical practice that focuses on optimal functioning of the body and its organs, usually involving systems of holistic and alternative medicine. You do not have to have a disease to benefit from functional medicine.

what is the difference between community acupuncture and individual acupuncture?


Here at New England Integrative Medicine, we provide both community and individual acupuncture treatments.  Community acupuncture is provided through our monthly Acupuncture Happy Hour and is a way to receive acupuncture treatments at a lower cost, in a group setting.  Individual acupuncture treatments are more tailored to your constitution and provides one on one attention with you and the doctor.